Image via CrunchBase My PLN is still does not have nearly the number of high school science teachers I thought I would have at this point. I think this is a good thing however. For me, the purpose of teachers using social media sites to collaborate is to meet people they would not normally meet with or share information. Perhaps that is just my liberal arts degree talking though! I settled on Diigo as a bookmarking program to store all of the wonderful links shared on Twitter by the experienced educators I am following. I truly have been converted to a tweeting educator! I still need to learn to read faster, but I have added several great hashtags: #edchat, #ntchat, #K12, #spedchat #scichat, #midleved. I am following well over 100 educators at this point, so I will not list them all here, but I have shared a Google Doc of "Who to Follow on Twitter" started by one of the educators I follow. It is much like the one provided by Dr. Strange, but is continually being updated by people who have suggestions for who to follow.

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